Make a Difference

Inspire Me

The Struggle Is Real

Thank you for raising $1410!

July 29, 2024

July 29, 2024

Dear Friends,

Thank you for celebrating Kathleen Dowd and raising $1410 for the California Nurse-Midwives Foundation!

Happiest birthday to Kathleen Dowd last Thursday, who chose the theme of rainbows and made a 75 minute Stop Drop and Dance playlist for us to dance to! She also brought rainbow headbands, glasses and necklaces for everyone who came!

We started and ended the class with two songs just released last Thursday by her boyfriend Eric T. Brandt, “What a Year It’s Been” and “Cruise Control!” He came to dance with us and was on doggy duty for Kathleen’s dog, Kiki!

Kathleen shared about the California Nurse-Midwives Foundation and its mission in the beginning of class, and then we danced for her Liberation and Gratitude Birthday celebration for the rest of the time! Thank you to all the regular students who came and all the new friends that joined for the first time!

"After every storm, there is a rainbow."

We're ready for a new week!

All of our classes are now at UU Marin (240 Channing Way, San Rafael)at 9:30am - even Saturdays! Join us for some good music, fun movements and loving company. There’s no such thing as being a good or bad dancer. Once you free your mind from these limiting thoughts or judgment, you’ll realize that everyone can dance and dancing is healing!

Hope to see you for our regular schedule this week: 

Tuesdays 9:30am-10:45am

60 minute Stop Drop and Dance and optional 10-15 minute core/abs/stretch (bring a mat)

Wednesdays 9:30am-10:45am 

45 minute Pure Strength (bring 2 sets of dumbbells and a mat) and 30 minute Floor Stretches

Thursdays 9:30am-10:45am

60 minute Stop Drop and Dance and optional 10-15 minute core/abs/stretch (bring a mat)

Saturdays 9:30am-10:30am

60 minute Stop Drop and Dance only (no core)

Save the dates for two special classes the following week:

Tuesday, August 6th Stop Drop and Dance at 9:30am

Happy Birthdays Hannah Price & Jenna Lefkarites!


Saturday, August 10th Stop Drop and Dance at 9:30am

Happy Birthday Lisa Hudson!

Wear whatever brings you JOY!

Thank you for voting!

The Marin Magazine "Best of the County 2024" results were published last week and although we didn't win any of the categories, we were featured in the "Rest of the Best" categories for:

The Best Health and Wellness Coaches in Marin


The Best Fitness Classes in Marin

This is something to be celebrated because "The Power With Grace" was never recognized in previous years and this year we had enough votes to be featured (with the above photo too!).

I am so grateful for your endless support and encouragement, friends!  

It's All Coming Back to Me

Last Friday, my family and I watched the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics.  

I get quite emotional because there's something beautiful about this fantasy, childlike idea that all the countries in the world can come together with smiles, respect and peace. 

There's something beautiful about feeling like our politically-divided United States is actually for once united when cheering on our USA Olympic athletes.

Why can't this be the true colors of our world, all the time?

Then when Celine Dion surprised everyone on the Eiffel Tower after being diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome and cancelling her concerts 5 years ago (my parents are huge fans and had tickets) and thinking she would never be able to sing again...

But then showing up completely dominating that breathtaking performance with exceptional elegance, power and grace...

I basically lost it just like Kelly Clarkson, who was one of the announcers.

A world where we all care about each other.
A world where miraculous healing happens.
A world where dreams come true.

Just like the Beatles song performed every year at the Olympics, "Imagine..."

I'm a dreamer. 
I hope you are too.

Have a wonderful and inspired week,