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25 Day ABS Challenge Starts Tomorrow, March 1st!

February 28, 2022

February 28, 2022

Dear Friends,

First and foremost...

Before I get into the details of our 25 Day Abs Challenge, I wanted to take a moment for us all to send our hearts and prayers to the Russia-Ukraine war that is happening right now.

My younger daughter's best friend in first grade is from Ukraine and after reaching out to her parents, it shocked me to hear that their extended family is still in Kyiv, right in the middle of all of it!  I had assumed that most everyone fled to safer parts of the country or bordering countries, but that is not the case.

As you can imagine, they are terrified for their loved ones in Kyiv, and it was a painful reminder that the war is not just "news" we read about in the morning, but instead, it is real life, real people, real fear, real danger...

Please take a moment to pray for peace, resolution, and safety for all the soldiers and citizens.

Less than 10 minutes a day!

As promised, I've created a Free 25 Day Abs Challenge that you can do anytime at home, on your own, in less than 10 minutes a day.  I wanted to keep it super simple so that it is easy for anyone to complete on a daily basis, with the goal of actually finishing all 25 days!  I will be checking in every 5 days to help you stay accountable and on track!

What you need:

  • Yoga mat
  • Clock, stopwatch, or timer that shows seconds (iPhone Clock App has a stopwatch!)
  • SAVE these newsletters to refer to exercises

How it works:

Complete each exercise as many times as you can for 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest.  This is 1 round.  Feel free to modify exercises and take extra breaks if you need it, but try to complete all the rounds for that day!  If you miss a day, double up on the next day if you can =)

  • March 1-5: Complete 4 rounds (THIS EMAIL)
  • March 6-10: Complete 5 rounds (Email coming 3/5)
  • March 11-15: Complete 6 rounds (Email coming 3/10)
  • March 16-20: Complete 7 rounds (Email coming 3/15)
  • March 21-25: Complete 8 rounds (Email coming 3/20)

Bonus Round:

Building core strength and toning abdominal muscles requires cardio as well!  As an added challenge, try to reach 10,000 steps everyday for 25 days!  This is easy to track on the Health App if you have an iPhone or Apple Watch, or invest in a pedometer!  Get outside, go for a walk or run, dance with us, or simply march/jog in place at night when you watch TV instead of sitting on the couch!  

March 1st: Alternating Knee to Nose Heel Taps

Starting Position: Lie on back with hands behind head and elbows out wide.  Keep chin a few inches away from chest.  Bend knees and flex feet.  Dig heels into mat and press lower back actively into mat the entire time.

Movement: Alternate lifting one knee to nose and lower back to starting position.


March 2nd: Plank Shoulder Tap and Tricep Push Up

Starting Position: Place hands shoulder distance apart and move knees back so there is a diagonal line from knees to hips to shoulders.  Pull belly up to spine and engage core.

Movement: Alternate tapping one hand to the opposite shoulder.  Bend elbows back towards ribs and lower chest to floor.

Modification: Make it harder by straightening legs into a full plank and push up.  Make it easier by standing and placing hands against a wall or use the back of a sturdy couch or bench (be mindful floor is not slippery).


March 3rd: Alternating Pinky Toe Reach with Reverse Curl

Starting Position: Lie on back with hands behind head and elbows out wide.  Keep chin a few inches away from chest.  Straighten legs to ceiling and point toes.  Press lower back actively into mat the entire time.

Movement: Alternate reaching one hand towards the pinky toe of the opposite foot.  Try to lift up glutes off the floor at the same time.  Lower to starting position and switch hands.

Modification: Make it easier by skipping the reverse curl and just focusing on the pinky toe reach.


March 4th: Mindful Bicycles

Starting Position: Lie on back with hands behind head and elbows out wide.  Keep chin a few inches away from chest.  Press lower back actively into mat the entire time.

Movement: Bend one knee ONLY until knee is stacked 90 degrees above hip and straighten other leg.  Twist opposite elbow towards knee and switch.

Modification: Make it harder by keeping straightened leg low towards ground.  Make it easier by lifting straightened leg higher towards ceiling.


March 5th: Supported Low Boat to High Boat

Starting Position: Sit on floor with hands next to your glutes, knees bent, and feet on the floor.  Find the right hand placement so that the elbows can bend back and rest on the floor.  Keep shoulder blades back and together the entire time.

Movement: With elbows resting on the floor, extend legs out in front and toes pointed.  Lift elbows off of the floor and tuck knees tightly into chest.  Repeat movement.

Modification: Make it harder by not supporting with hands and reach arms in front.  Make it easier by lowering elbows and legs only halfway down.


Spring Into March

What a beautiful 70 degree day today in California compared to negative numbers last week in Colorado!  I am excited to be back and get into our 25 Day Abs (and 10,000 steps) Challenge with you!  If any of you had a hard time seeing the GIF's above for how to do each exercise, you can follow me on Instagram @gracelingyu and I will post the videos there as well as in my IG stories!

Our regular class schedule resumes tomorrow with Stop Drop and Dance on Zoom or in-person at 9:30am!  

Hope to see you there!
